LISABOOM - TS Escort in Lleida, Spain

Lleida, Spain
Última conexión: 20 Oct, 2022
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Ubicación base Lleida, Spain
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Mis datos
Edad 20
Estado de salud
Travestis escorts en Lleida, Spain
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "L I S A 👅 B O O M" ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (SATISFACTION 100% GUARANTEED)

Tired of seeing and touching exaggerated and artificial bodies full of silicon? Here you have a beauty 100 % natural (without fat and silicon)

"Great expert licking and dilating the ass with the tongue - come and enjoy in live"

"LISA BOOM" incredible blonde with top model measures comes to the city with desire to enjoying you and accomodate you in everything. I have 1. 80cms of height, perfect measurements 90-60-90, tanned, soft and delicate skin, 100% female from head to toe, educated, friendly and very warm. I enjoy my work fully and I guarantee that my *** are at the level that you deserve, I invite you to check here in live and in full color. What you see in the photos is what you personally find (100% real and current) and i have all the clothes of the pics, heels of 15cms and knee high leather boots, so you have to choose with what clothes you want that i receive. In the intimacy I do all kind of *** with maximum hygiene,care and dedication so that both are satisfied and comfortable of our great evening.
I have a juicy endowment of 20cms that are spliced easily to lick and suck, i love kissing with tongue deeply and if you want to give me your ass you can be quiet (I am a great expert licking and dilating the ass), also have accessories like whips,wives and dildos if you like to feel like a submissive bitch.

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Entrevista de LISABOOM

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