IsabeleKendal - TS/TV/TG/CD Escort in Zagreb, Croatia

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Zagreb, Croatia
Última conexión: 15 May, 13:01
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Ubicación base Zagreb, Croatia
GPS Zagreb, Croatia
Distancia N/A
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mis datos
Edad 27
Origen étnico Latino
Cuerpo Atlético
Color de ojos Castaños
Estado de salud
Estado de VIH Negative
Travestis escorts en Zagreb, Croatia
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Hey guys ready to meet and have some fun together?


Hey guys I'm ISABELE KENDAL a super sexy shemale.
I am a true young shemale who will treat you like the king that you are.
Sweet natured, well-mannered and super If you are looking for an unforgettable encounter, you are in the right place!

I am a fitness type cat and I love lingerie, high heels ... I will always be produced and perfumed.
I love to live different adventures, I am very feminine, I love to be passive and active, as you prefer.
Short perform fetishes, ALL ages over 18, with a wonderful dowry of 8inches I am 'sweetheart' style.
Private apartment of very high standard. Come check out THE BEST OF THE CITY!
My *** are evaluated in 30 Minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour or over

My apartment is very well located in the CITY CENTRE, it is always very clean, and fragrant, as well as my always 100%

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Entrevista de IsabeleKendal

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