Tawnypreston - Transexual Escort in Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix, AZ
Última conexión: 20 Feb, 16:57
mi ubicación
Ubicación base Phoenix, AZ
GPS Phoenix, AZ
Distancia N/A
map me
mis datos
Soy Transexual
Edad 48
Origen étnico Caucásico
Cuerpo Atlético
Rol Pasiva
Estatura 5'11" -178 cm
Peso 135lbs - 61 kg
Cabello Marrón
Color de ojos Avellana
Senos Grandes
Tamaño del Pene 6 In - 15cm
Nalgas Firme
Disponible para Hombres
Circumcised Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings Yes
Smoking No
Thickness Average
Estado de salud
Mi casa 300
Tu casa N/A
Por Noche 1000
Travestis escorts en Phoenix, AZ
Este sitio prohíbe cualquier oferta o solicitud de prostitución. La información proporcionada es sólo para fines de entretenimiento, y cualquier actividad que se realice fuera de este sitio está fuera de nuestro control y está destinada a ser estrictamente entre adultos que consienten.

tawnypreston's blog

  • tawnypreston

    Availability This Week

    Publicado por tawnypreston

    I am now taking appointments for Sunday 1/26/25. I book at 2 hour intervals with a 1 hour session for each client. (All sessions include video access on my onedrive) Appt. times are Noon, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 p.m. on each of my available days. Sundays are of course my usual Sabbath Special! Reserve your spot today! As always, I truly appreciate your business and reviews. It makes a girl feel good to know she is appreciated... :)

  • tawnypreston

    Specials and Discounts

    Publicado por tawnypreston

    Base donation is 300. First time clients receive 25% off base rate. Au Naturel sheath-free discount is always 25% off base rate and can be combined with your first time discount. I run a Sabbath Special on Sundays, which is half the base rate and requires "au naturel" to enjoy this delightful day of worship. Private video access is provided with every session. "BBC" discount contact me for info... For repeat clients your 5th session is FREE after 4 booked appointments!

  • tawnypreston

    Customer Appreciation Night 4/30/23 @ 7pm to 10pm

    Publicado por tawnypreston

    I perform free evenings of simultaneous group oral servicing for all past and hopefully future clients. As usual, this is Tawny performing sensual fellatio with "CLOSE UP VIDEO" of her face and mouth blowing all cocks and receiving each release of hot cum down her throat! This is sort of like "Premium Bukkake". These are a lot of fun and of course, the more the merrier! Great comradery and high-fiving amongst guys! These are absolutely free events! They go from 7 to 10 PM. All will be allowed to penetrate (if you purchase my Sabbath Special) as I orally service the others. I always announce the date of these nights here on my blog. Every participant receives access to my private drive to view video of the event. Send me the message "CLIENT APRECIATION" on here then text the same to participate. (Please include your name.) Also, text the day of the event so I can plan for attendance. View the Map Me for directions. "PLEASE" don't just show up. Text so I know who is coming...

    Preview hit settings and watch in 1080p.


    Disclaimer: Any further bookings will be at listed regular or discounted rates...

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