
TS4Rent Preguntas frequentes

Aquí puedes encontrar respuestas a muchas de tus preguntas. Explorar los temas a continuación y si no encuentra la información que estás buscando no dudes en Contáctenos !Estaremos encantados de ayudarte!
  • How to search for TS/TV SHEMALE Escorts?
    Search for TS/TV SHEMALE Ladyboys Escots is a core feature on TS4Rent.com

    Click on the Search tab (top left on the page). A search page will load with default results. The most important search atribute is your LOCATION. Top Right of the page hit "Click to change location". After clicking on it a dropdown list of available locations will appear.

    You also may enter a location name for a quick find: for example type London in the Search location window for New York and New York will appear. Click SEARCH and you will be forwarded to the London TS/TV Shemale Escort search results pages.

    You also can refine the Search by selecting / changing the physical atributes to the right of the search results.

    You also can search with a "Sort By Distance" tool that will use your GPS coordinates in order to automatically detect the escorts located close by.
  • Why signup as a Client on TS4Rent.com?
    First - TS4Rent.com is 100% free to browse. You can search for TS/TV Shemale Escorts and Masseurs, view their profiles, contact them without creating a client profile - everyone can browse it without the need to signup or pay. If you would like to advertise on TS4Rent.com as an TS Escort or TS Masseur, signing up and creating a profile is required.

    A client signup is a recommended feature - it is free and provides you with a personal client profile where escorts can find out more about your preferences, stats and requirements.

    When you create a Client Profile you have the ability to use TS4Rent features such as the internal Email systems, upload photos of yourself, bookmark favorite Tgirl Escorts and use the Who Saw Me / Who Did I See feature. Of course as a signed up member you are in control - we offer you full management of your privacy settings, while you are able to communicate with the TV/TS Shemale Escorts with your personal TS4Rent mailbox, without the need to provide any personal email adress or phone number.
  • Why choose TS4Rent.com?
    Its about Visuals, Features, Value and Community. TS4Rent provides you the best visuals of any TS/TV SHEMALE Ladyboys Escort and Masseur site with unlimited large pictures - the first step in finding the right companion is visual.

    TS4Rent.com is successful because: We give you a popular, well known, real-time, easy to use web solution packed with innovative features and design. It's where TS/TV Shemale Escorts and Clients can create profiles and meet each other.

    Clients can search for escorts and masseurs by any criteria including when a TS4Rent member is Online or Available Now for hire. Below are some of the signature features offered by TS4Rent.com:

    TS Escort Search
    Online Now - TS Escorts
    Available Now - TS Escorts
    3 free Travel Cities - TS Escorts
    Up to 100 Profile pictures
    Private Photo gallery
    Visual TS Escorts Profiles
    Who saw me - a real-time statistic
    My Buddy list - Bookmark your favorite clients | shemale escorts
    Personal E-mail inbox myname@ts4rent.com
    My Availability Feature (real-time availability settings)
  • Do I need to signup to contact TS/TV Shemale Ladyboy Escorts?
    NO we do NOT require a signup nor profile creation, you can browse TS4Rent.com fully anonymously. To contact a website member just click on his ad and hit "call me" or "email me" tab located at the top left on each member's profile page.
    To get the phone number hit the pink "Call me now" tab and the phone number will appear in a popup.
    If you wish to send an e-mail just hit "email me" and fill out your contact information and text, finally hit send.
  • Account and Payments
    This is where you view and manage:

    1. Membership Details
    2. Manage your Account
    3. Payment Details.

    Membership Details - displays Your Profile Status (online and active or deactivated), your Next Billing Date, the Amount of the membership you have chosen and your Plan Type.

    Manage Account - this is where you can upgrade your membership, cancel your recurring billing option, add credit card infomation or delete your Profile.

    Payment Details - shows your billing currency and the payment details of your credit card or bank debit card. This is also where you change your payment method and card details or banking details.
  • Your personal e-mail address MyName@TS4Rent.com
    Get your free TS4Rent email address: MyName@TS4Rent.com Send and receive e-mails from clients tv/ts shemale escorts and masseurs. Use your TS4Rent mailbox any way you want it.
    Next to your personal TS4Rent.com webpage - TS4Rent.com/MyName The inbox is a key communication feature offered to our members. Below are some basic questions about your TS4Rent.com mailbox.

    Can I receive e-mails form any e-mail outside of TS4Rent.com
    Yes your MyName@TS4Rent.com e-mail is reachable from any external e-mail account. You can receive and send e-mails from and to any e-mail address.

    Can I get all my messages forwarded to my personal mailbox
    Yes, all the messages sent to your @TS4Rent.com can be forwarded to your personal email address, while the sender will not be informed about your personal email address.
  • View My Messages
    Check and manage your email account here - Inbox, Sent, Archive, Spam and Deleted folders are managed in this area. Sort your email folders by date, sender and subject. Also the delete and undelete your emails and Report Spam options are located here.
  • Edit My Pictures
    Manage your pictures here. At any time you can Add or Remove photos. The higher quality your pictures are the better your visibility is. Quality pictures WORK for you.

    Your pictures are located in two types of Galleries – Public and Private. Public gallery photo is visible to anyone. Private galleries are limited only to those to whom you give access.
  • My Settings Features
    Personal Stats
    To update your Personal Stats click on your username at the top right on the page. Then click on "About Me" tab on the left side on the site to edit your physique and appearance (height, weight, eyes, body type, etc).

    Profile Text
    Less is not more with Profile Text - people respond to more personalized, descriptive text.
    If you need to edit your profile text click on your username and then "About Me". Use these text fields to give your Shemale TS Escort profile a more personal look and feel. Make sure you include your professional skills and experience, likes and interests, personal information or any other topic about you that might be attractive to your clients. Make it fun and friendly.

    Edit Login Details
    Here is where you can change your Login details, update your Username, Password, Profile Metro Location, Your Personal Website URL and Contact Information (Email address and Phone number).

    Click on your username at the top right on the website so you can go to your dashboard. There you have all of the mentioned options. After you enter the information you want to change, click on the "SAVE" button to submit your changes. TS4Rent will NEVER share your personal information with anyone. NOTE: Phone numbers are protected against search engines and spam bots!

    Edit Travel Locations
    TS4Rent gives you the opportunity to advertise in advance in cities that you plan to visit - for FREE.

    By specifying a travel location your advertisement will be visible to clients in up to 3 additional metro areas for the period of up to 1 month in advance. Advertise in up to 3 Travel City Locations at a time and advertise up to 30 days in advance in each city.If the travel location distance from your home location is less then 250km/250mile you can set this location as “near travel” without the need to set any specific dates.

    Update your Travel Locations in 3 easy steps:

    1. Go to your dashboard and hit the "Travel Locations" tab;

    2. Share your GPS location or select other metro location from the drop down menu.

    3. Then choose "Date From" and "Date To". Enter the date you are going to arrive in that metro and the date you plan to depart. If the travel location is close to your home location (Near travel), you do not need to set any dates.

    4. To remove and/or change a travel location simply click the X in the "Clear" column on the far right. Now refer to step 1 and continue updating your locations.

    Privacy Settings
    TS4Rent allows you to control your privacy and control who sees your personal information using Privacy Settings. You can even hide your profile! Below are the Privacy Settings available to you:

    - Control your Email: You are sent a copy of each TS4Rent Email to your personal Email address. Your e-mail default is set to "SEND NOTIFICATION". You will receive a message only when there is a new e-mail in your TS4Rent mailbox. "STOP NOTIFICATION" Choose this privacy setting to protect your privacy from spam e-mails and to disable the access to your personal e-mail address. You can get a full copy of your message forwarded to your personal email address by selecting the option “SEND A FULL COPY”

    - Control your Profile Visibility: Are you taking a vacation or out of town and want to hide your ad for awhile? You can make your Profile visible for searches for: 1. Everybody, 2. Nobody (Invisible). The search visibility default is set to "EVERYBODY" - all TS4Rent visitors can search and find your ad.

    - Control the 'Who Saw Me' and "Who I Saw' feature. This cool feature allows Escorts and Clients to see if you have checked them out. You can choose: 1. Yes - Track Me or 2. No - Don’t Track Me. The deflaut settings allows all members to see if you have opened their profile. If you wish to stay anonymous while browsing the site just change this setting to "No - Don’t Track Me "

    - Control your Blocked Users feature. Click the box to view all your blocked users and unblock them as you desire. The users you block will not be able to see your profile or contact you using TS4Rent features.
  • Private Photo Gallery for TS/TV Shemale Ladyboys Escorts and Clients
    Introducing Private Photo Gallery feature for our clients, TS escorts and TS masseur.

    Recently we have received multiple requests form our members to add this important privacy feature. Well It is live now! If you have TS4Rent profile go here to check it out. Because TS4Rent.com is accessible for all internet users (membership and signup are not required to view TS escort and masseur) we have chosen to give two choices on how to unlock and view private gallery of a ts4rent member:

    1. Option - ask the owner of the profile via e-mail, call, sms to send you his private gallery unlock code.

    2. Option - internal unlock request (works only between registered website members). Once your unlock request is approved by the gallery owner you will have a permanent access to his private photos.

    Private Gallery (only available for GOLD members) - The photo previews in your profile are replaced with a lock picture and no information on what the content of the private photos may be.

    Private Gallery Code – Private gallery code is the password to your private galleries (semi or full private). The code is available in your Private Gallery. In order to see OR change the code, click “CHANGE UNLOCK CODE”.
  • TS/TV Shemale Escorts - How to get maximum exposure?
    1. POST CLEAR PHOTOS OF YOURSELF - The better your photos, the more likely you are to get responses to your ad. Be sure your photos are clear and recently taken. If you do not have high quality photos, it is worth the investment to have some taken. You can upload up to 100 photos in your Account page after logging in.

    2. PROVIDE AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE DESCRIPTION - Provide as much detail as possible about yourself so that visitors can determine whether or not you're right for them.

    3. LOGIN TO THE TS4RENT.COM OFTEN - Ads for TS/TV Shemale escorts who are online now are sorted to the top of the list! By logging in often, you increase your chances of being seen.

    4. CHECK YOUR EMAIL OFTEN - Many clients prefer to contact you by email. Be sure to check your email regularly throughout the day to ensure that you can respond to a client's request in a timely manner.

    5. ASK CLIENTS TO SUBMIT A REVIEW ABOUT - Potential clients are more comfortable knowing that you have a proven track record. Ask your clients to review you on TS4Rent.com Having solid reviews is one of the best ways to attract new visitors.

    6. GET FEATURED AS TS OF THE DAY - Members get significantly more exposure on the site, which results in a lot more business for you! TS OF THE DAY Benefits Include:
    - ad sorted to top of list above all other listings
    - ad rotates on all major pages
    - ad exposure on all search results pages in your home and travel cities.
  • Buddy List
    A buddy List is another name for your friends list on TS4Rent.com. Have you made contact with a Client or TS Escort and want to access their profile on TS4Rent.com easily in the future? Then add them to your Buddy List! You can add Escort, Masseur or Client profiles to your Buddy List easily by clicking “Buddy List Me” located at the top of their profile text.

    To access your Buddy List click on "My Bookmarks" if you are an escort or on "Wishlist" if you are a client in your dashboard. You can click on the photo to go to your buddy's profile or you can press the "X" icon in order to remove her.
  • Reporting Email Spam, Scams, Fraud or Abuse
    TS4Rent.com makes it easy to report email Scammers and Frauds to the Webmaster. Scams and Fraud is common - so if you receive an email that you suspect or know is from someone who is trying to scam you or commit fraud you can send the email to the Webmaster to review to take appropriate action.

    To report to the Webmaster: When the email is open in your Inbox simply click on "Report Abuse" at the top or bottom of the email. A pop up box appears where you choose an option: "Scam or Fraud" or "Abuse or Offense" or "Other". Choose one or more and then enter descriptive detail for the Webmaster to review. We will then get back to you with the results of our review. We’re here to help - we take an active approach to keeping our community free of these types of abuse.

    What is a Scam / Scammer?

    Scams are dishonest people who want your money, your identity or want to trick you out of something of value. Scams come from Clients and TS Escorts. Scams come in many forms. Make sure you trust the person asking you for domestic or international travel. NEVER send money in advance to someone you have not met and NEVER provide your personal, private banking information to anyone. If it is too good to be true it usually is. TS4Rent.com doesn’t have any responsibility of the TS4Rent users actions.

    Below is a very typical example of a Client Scam Email:

    "Hello, How are you doing Man? Its Martin Here from London, Though im a Canadian But presently working in London,im 42yr old. I'm a Shemale and i will need you on my Business Trip To Africa/Nigeria on the 15th of April. We are visiting Africa for 7days, i need someone who is decent,trustworthy and secretive just to protect my Name and personalty. Keeping me warm and massaging me is all i need from you. 2,000 Pounds is what im willing to offer you per day, this should hit you at a high spot..lol. And Upfront will be made available to you even before you leave your country..Okay? All Necessary documents will be arranged for you, so feel free to get back to me only if you are interested and willing to go with me. Cant wait to read back from you .
    Engineer Martin Bilo"
  • Email Verification
    On TS4Rent.com we require that you verify your email address while you are registering a new profile or updating an existing one. Communication between members and Webmaster to member communication via e-mail is a key feature on TS4Rent.com

    We verify your email address to make sure you did not misspell it and that it is a valid email address. TS4Rent Webmasters and all TS4Rent members need to communicate with each other so your email address is critical. We also need to send you your billing confirmations and updates and so you can get important TS4Rent promotions and news.

    When you register you will receive the email below along with information on how to proceed if the link is not working. Please follow the directions carefully and if you have any problems send us your questions / issues to webmaster@ts4rent.com.

    A sample Verification Email you will receive is below:
    "Hello Username,
    Please complete your registration by clicking the link: http://ts4rent.com/activate/XXXXX or login at http://ts4rent.com/signin with the login information provided below: username: testerrrr password: XXXXXX"

    You didn’t receive our confirmation email?

    Please check your SPAM or Junk Mail folders.
    We recommend using a major public e-mail provider like GMAIL, YAHOO, HOTMAIL, AOL.

    Because many Internet Service Providers and individual email programs have filters in place to help control the emails you receive, please make sure that you designate Allstate as a trusted source. You can do this by simply adding ts4rent@ts4rent.com to your address book, contact list or safe list.
  • TS/TV Shemale Ladyboys Escort and Masseur Ads on TS4Rent.com
    TS/TV SHEMALE Escorts and Masseurs are welcome to create profile online by going to:

    TS4Rent Clients

    Client Profiles are FREE – They allow you to be reached via email by Escorts that are or will be in your area! Premium Client Profile is paid. It enables clients and site members to watch all premium escort and masseur videos. Premium client is a verified client. TS4Rent Escorts and masseurs prefer to get in touch with Premium TS4Rent clients.

    Escorts Memberships

    Monthly pricing and membership options are presented here.
  • TS4Rent Mobile
    For all mobile phone TS4Rent users we have designed a specific mobile web-based app (no download need). It is a lighter version of the main site TS4Rent.com suitable of iOS and Android devices. It has all the features of the regular site capability to search members "near you" using the GPS capabilities of your mobile device. Simply go to TS4Rent.com with a mobile device and see how it works!
  • TS Of The Day
    Want more visitors? Get featured! Be 'The TS of The Day'. Your ad will be on all major TS4Rent.com pages.

    Being the most valuable advertising spot for escorts and masseurs on TS4Rent.com we decided to offer this feature for purchase.

    TS of the day gets your ad in the top of search results in the Number One Position.
  • Escort Sponsors of TS4Rent.com
    We call sponsors all loyal to TS4Rent.com tv/ts shemale escorts who has supported us since the very beginning of TS4Rent.com! Now we have opened this advertising spot to all escorts who would like to support the TS4Rent idea: A better and affordable place for the escorts and clients!

    Sponsors area offers:

    Top Visibility for your profile. Special treatment from our members and clients as a TS4Rent Sponsor.
    Sponsor ads are listed inside right of all basic escort and client profiles Your photo will be all major TS4Rent pages!
  • Information privacy, data privacy
    Privacy concerns exist wherever personally identifiable information is collected and stored in digital form or otherwise.

    We will not market or promote the sale of your personal information to any individual or organization.

    All website payments are processed via 256 Bit encrypted SSL connection between your browser and our merchant billing provider.

    We do not store credit card information on our servers. Safeguarding and protecting your privacy is our fundamental responsibility.
  • How do I find my Private Gallery Password?
    If you are a Registered Member when you open TS4Rent you are brought to your Dashboard. On the right there is an "Overview" box. In pink you can find your private code.

    If you want to change your private gallery code hit the "Photos" tab on the left. Then hit the "Private Photos" tab and there you are going to find the "Change Unlock Code" button. You can change the code to something you can remember or you can keep the password the system provides you.
  • Contacting the TS4Rent Support Team
    It is easy to contact the TS4Rent Webmaster. On the footer in the "Support" section you will find "Contact Us". Contact us now, we will be happy to assist you.

    Another option is to email us at: ts4rentmedia@gmail.com
  • Reviews - Terms and conditions
    TS/TV SHEMALE Escort and Masseur Reviews Terms and Conditions:

    We welcome your TS/TV Shemale Escort Review submissions, which aim is to present the Clients opinion of their personal experience with the TS Escorts. The TS4Rent reviews are star rating feature, where texts are not allowed. The Client is invited to evaluate his experience with stars (1 to 5, where 1 is disappointed and 5 - extremely satisfied), but also indicate other relevant information, as ambience, time spent, picture accuracy. Clients also can share information with the TS4Rent Webmaster and report the Escort for terms and conditions violated.

    TS Escort Reviews are welcomed no later then two weeks after the meeting. Our verification process usually takes between 48 to 72 hours or more depending on the timing of communication.

    As we build our Review content for each TS Escort we may decide to withhold an unfavorable review and publish it later when the TS Escort has more reviews to provide the reader a more balanced, objective perspective.

    If you did not meet the TS Escort no matter the circumstance the Review will not be approved. Since the Reviews are subject of approval, TS4Rent webadmin has the right to reject a review if there is no evidence for communication between the Escort and the Client via the website.

    Unresolved Review:
    An unfavorable review that Ts4Rent Administration is in process of confirming its accuracy between both the Client and TS Escort.