Loonabunny - Mujer Trans Escort in Martinez, CA

Martinez, CA
Última conexión: 16 Jan, 06:27
mi ubicación
Ubicación base Martinez, CA
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mis datos
Soy Mujer Trans
Edad 20
Origen étnico Caucásico
Cuerpo Slim
Rol Versátil
Estatura 5'6" - 164 cm
Peso 125lbs - 56 kg
Cabello Marrón
Color de ojos Verdes
Senos Pequeños
Tamaño del Pene 8 In - 20cm
Nalgas Pequeñas
Disponible para Todo
Circumcised Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Smoking No
Thickness Thick
Estado de salud
Estado de VIH Negative
Mi casa N/A
Tu casa 300
Por Noche N/A
Travestis escorts en Martinez, CA
Este sitio prohíbe cualquier oferta o solicitud de prostitución. La información proporcionada es sólo para fines de entretenimiento, y cualquier actividad que se realice fuera de este sitio está fuera de nuestro control y está destinada a ser estrictamente entre adultos que consienten.

Loonabunny's blog

  • Loonabunny

    Went To the Mall On Sunday Alone (Late Blog) ☺️

    Publicado por Loonabunny

    A thing about me is that I'm very socially inept so I struggle with social anxiety. >.< I'm clunky and weird but I love making people laugh. ☺️ Today is the first time I've went to a mall by myself to work on my social skills by simply being around a lot of people.
    The thing that go me through it is thinking about which type of lava lamps to get! >w< I'm a huge nerd for lava lamps and they make me feel joyous like any other collecting hobbie. I made my way to Spencer's and picked out the one's that looked the best. It helped because I completely forgot I was in public. ☺️ I picked up new perfumes along the way and went home. It might be easy for others, but it's a huge accomplishment for me.

  • Loonabunny

    Went To A Physical Card Store Today! ☺️

    Publicado por Loonabunny

    It's always a blast exploring more geeky stores since they have such a large variety in physical card games. I fangirl over Pokemon, Magic The Gathering and my favorite Card Wars from adventure time.
    I'll loose track of time by simply looking at stuff and seeing new variations come in stock. My favorite about these stores is that they offer free sitting aragments so you can duel and play with other people! ☺️ It's so awesome! >w< But what keeps me coming back is the soft atmosphere in the shop. It's as quiet as a library and nobody bugs you. I can geek out and be my introverted self whenever i'd like. It's like being at home in the same room with family, you enjoy being in their company.:3

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