Went To the Mall On Sunday Alone (Late Blog) ☺️
A thing about me is that I'm very socially inept so I struggle with social anxiety. >.< I'm clunky and weird but I love making people laugh. ☺️ Today is the first time I've went to a mall by myself to work on my social skills by simply being around a lot of people.
The thing that go me through it is thinking about which type of lava lamps to get! >w< I'm a huge nerd for lava lamps and they make me feel joyous like any other collecting hobbie. I made my way to Spencer's and picked out the one's that looked the best. It helped because I completely forgot I was in public. ☺️ I picked up new perfumes along the way and went home. It might be easy for others, but it's a huge accomplishment for me.